Archive for June 20th, 2008


Photo Friday: Midsummer Night’s… Dreams?

June 20, 2008


Follow this link to see more and read all about how you can, too, participate in this fun activity.

It’s FRIDAY!  So, I give you a PHOTO.   The theme is Midsummer Night’s Dream.

  This is my attempt from the other night to take a shot of the Strawberry Moon.   I am almost embarrassed to display it.

Let me, instead, present this next one.   I was standing on my front stoop and thought the light from my lamp at the end of the driveway cast an eery glow to the circle surrounding.    The resulting image was very dark, but I cropped it down, changed the brightness and the contrast using Microsoft’s Office Picture Manager, and compressed it for webpage display.   You’ll just have to imagine any faeries dancing, I don’t have Photoshop.     The photo that follows is the original. 



Have a fabulous Friday everyone! 


Oh, and apparently, today is Take Your Dog To Work Day.    Be sure to play the song!   But since, I don’t have a job (not TODAY), I took the dog to his Day Care so he could play with his friends.   He has a very good life.