Archive for June 15th, 2008


Random Meme from Hallie

June 15, 2008

I was tagged by the Brilliant Hallie for this meme.    

1. What were you doing five years ago?

Five years ago would have been June of 2003.  I was living in Kansas City and my husband would be doing well but not great at his remodeling business.    The only reason I say ‘not great’ is that in order to consider himself doing ‘great’, he would be needing to put more away into the 401k –> ie, the(my?!) retirement fund, etc. and we were just ‘making it’.    This makes me laugh now because I’m not sure where the money was going since our mortgage was a LOT less there than here in Mass and we had a bigger house.   So strange, isn’t it?   What you believe CAN influence your reality.   Just reading that sentence makes me laugh a little in one of those ‘I shouldn’t be laughing’ kind of ways.  I do that a lot.   Laugh inappropriately…   Anyway, where was I?    Five years ago.  I was managing data streams for a restaurant company and my boss was someone I respected a lot but also thought was really missing out on one part of life (having ANY fun.)    A great example of unbalance and/or you can never really know about some people.   Then again, judging is bad.   This concludes the lesson.

2. What are five things on your to-do list today?

  1. Do something with the hamburger that has been in the freezer awhile.*
  2. Balance the chemicals in the hot tub.
  3. Read; finish one book and continue in another.
  4. Blog some.
  5. Grocery shopping & laundry.

3. What snacks do you enjoy?

Hub is actually attempting the weightloss goal by spending a ton of cash on Nutrisystem.   I LOVE their chocolate peanut butter bars and the white cheddar chip things.   But I also love onion rings, chips and guacamole, spinach/artichoke dip, ice cream;  most anything called ‘snack’, really.   I love food.    Stacy’s Pita chips are the very best of that category.   My favorite candy bar is the $100,000 bar and I love DOVE dark chocolate.    When I go to the movies, I must have buttered popcorn – it’s just a part of my movie-going experience.

4. Things you would do if you were a billionaire.   

Invest a third for me, invest a third in others, spend a third on a big boat, build a front porch onto my Colonial house – oh crap, forget that! – I would sell this and buy a lake home, learn to fly my own plane and buy a pair of dark purple cowboy boots in some exotic leather.

5. Three of your bad habits.

  1. Self doubt and self-pity (can that be one or should it be two?) 
  2. Drinking a bit too much alcohol a little too often. 
  3. I bum cigarettes cuz so many of my friends smoke but I don’t often think about smoking when I’m by myself so I rarely buy or have cigs of my own.  Yes, I know it’s a bad habit.   It’s a social thing.

6. Five places you have lived.

I have lived in many towns in Kansas, Illinois, Missouri, two in Nebraska, a summer in Washington DC and short stint near DC close to Dulles Airport, besides where I live now:

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Virginia
  3. Missouri
  4. Nebraska
  5. Illinois

7. Five jobs that you’ve had?

No particular order:

  1. Hostess at Red Lobster
  2. Learning Skills Instructor
  3. Computer Programmer
  4. Vocational Education Program Coordinator
  5. Realtor

8. How did you name your blog?

A long time ago when I purchased a website address of my name – I thought it would be cool to learn web design and have my own personal website, (I never really got around to learning much more than the very basics) and I also bought  because I liked the vague-ness yet positiveness of how these two words sounded together.   And it was available, it was short, most people know how to spell idea and jump, and so I put down the $6…   I was toying with the idea of being a lifecoach at that point in my life, too, and thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a place to park such a business if it took off.    Once I discovered this blogging thing, I decided to jump into it and thought Idea Jump would be a good title.   I don’t know why I didn’t call my id ‘ideajump’ to keep it seamless; somehow I ended up with ‘curiousC’.    I don’t think much thought went into that at all.


I am simmering some Hamburger Stew right now:   1# hamburger, potatoes, carrots, green beans, 2 cans tomato sauce…    Will serve with Cuban Bread – a good thick hearty white bread.