Posts Tagged ‘Goals’


Goals Just for TODAY

January 2, 2008

SO, let’s celebrate a new year.   This is the day that we can brag that already this year, I’ve walked 2 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY this year!  Haven’t missed a day, yet.  AND… not only that, but I haven’t missed a day yet in taking my multivits.   Very good, very good.

I’m excited to say that I expect this will hold true tomorrow, too.

What I would love to say, speaking of health-goals, is that I could/would/should run a marathon.   Aint gonna happen.   I follow a blogger who can proudly say she’s run a marathon.  And her story says the ol’ “IF I can DO IT, so can you!”   I read her story, but I don’t believe I can do it, no matter what she says.   I won’t set myself up for that, because I really don’t want to run 26 miles in one attempt.   Main reason is, I hate the cold.   I cannot stand being outside exerting, sweating, yuck, in the cold air.  It’s just not going to happen.   so, my training schedule is kaput, right there.    

And, that’s OK.   I am happy with a goal of walking at least 2 miles every day, on my inside, room-temperature treadmill.     Goals are supposed to be a stretch and yet possible.   This is possible.    What’s also very possible is the skipping of one day.   That turns into 5 weeks.    So, it’s not a distance thing, it’s an EVERY DAY thing.

I hear all of you who don’t do the resolution process, but I personally love it.   I love January.    For all of these reasons: the promise, the hope, of NEWNESS!   And, I actually can work myself up into setting this feeling of hope and promise and newness (do I repeat myself?) on a new MONTH and often, on a new DAY.   

Since, this rambleness is getting excessive, I will end with a quote from a movie.   From an overlooked movie starring Julianne Moore, The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio.    I LOVED the can do, overcoming, positive thinking mindset and what it can bring, LOA idea of this movie.  Actually, forgive the resigned sense of fatigue that this expresses, it really does have a positiveness to it; start fresh again tomorrow – when this day fails to bring you what you needed…

I’m tired of this day, I’d like a new one.

I’m off now to get on that treadmill, read my book, slam down those vits, and get on with this beautiful day and if I need this quote later, that’s all good, too.  SMILES!!   🙂  🙂



December 30, 2007

100_5082.jpg  My 2007 Journals.    My wish is for brave sharing of a few of my 2007 journal entries from these orange and purple books.

100_5083.jpg  Another 2008 goal is to improve my handwriting…   This is a page from my 2/12/07 entry.   Backstory:  these are prompts to help me explore my own thoughts and feelings.     and to add what is not visible the top is:   

“What I realize is ________________”   

“If my 5 year old [self] had something to say _____________”

   let    her    speak

the point is completion.  Keep going – move forward.  no distraction week.

and then something I cut from a magazine and taped in…   I AM THE ONLY ME.



 This is the journal I will scribble in starting tomorrow!  I’m very excited.   I just love me a clean blank white bright open empty journal!   100_5084.jpg   I have about 5 more in the queue…     I’ve got an entire library full of no-longer-blank books, beginning when I was 11, I think.   I really should arrange for these to be burned or at least lost for 100 years in a safety deposit book…   

Anyways…     I do love the contemplation time that this part of December inspires in me.     I suppose now would be a good time to flip through the orange one that has goals from Jan 07 and look to see what I might need to move to 2008 (better to say it like that than to say ‘what I failed to do in 2007’!)

“Have the courage to believe in and follow your own heart and be willing to let go of the outcome.”    – no note as to WHO said this…  😦

aha!   Other than quick easy daily task stuff following the above quote, I didn’t write ANY BIG GOALS!    

Hmmmmm,  this is odd.   that I didn’t have any goals/resolutions for 2007 written down in a place that would be easy to find later.     Yes, very odd!

and that is just OK with me.   🙂