Posts Tagged ‘TV’


Project Runway Tonight

November 14, 2007

Maybe this is why my Hub seems in a bad mood.    I will demand the big screen tonight! 

on Bravo, Season Premiere, Wed Nov 14, 10/9c.  For all things PR – check out this website/blog:

Top 10 Reasons I enjoy this show:

10.  Outrageous personalities.    Such passion, talent, positive/negative, some are ‘real’ and some are just ‘way beyond my experience’.    I enjoy the middle of the show best, when we get to really know some of the players.    Near the end, I tend to want more fashion and less bickering and at the beginning, it’s almost too much just to get everyone and their designs displayed…   But I’m hooked, gotta watch!

9.   Eveyone gets the same ‘theme’ – and yet, widely different and amazing results.    PR showcases and defines individuality.

8.   Education – I learn so much about sewing, fashion, trends, etc.

7.   I adore Tim Gunn.    He’s a fairy Godfather?!    See this  NYDaily News article on why we love PR…   and a previous post of mine on how Tim is helping me with my closet…   also, here.

6.  Project Runway annoys my Hub.   Extremely.   If it was on ESPN, he might watch it.   Nah.    I should have him give his top 10 reasons he HATES the show…   

5.   Inspiration.   I have what my unmarried friends call ‘married woman’ style.    I’m still not sure what that means exactly but PR inspires me to be a little more wild in my clothing choices.   Be BOLD.

4.   Inspiration & motivation, some more!   I am inspired to learn to sew!  To make my own clothes ?! or even only to sew on missing buttons.

3.   Heide Klum fascinates me.    She is so beautiful and her attitude contributes to her image.   She has such an ‘I’m up to something’ smile, don’t cha think?

2.   Gives me a show of my very own to watch.   This gives definition to my week, a schedule, if you will.   I always know when it is Wednesday…   I little more exciting than knowing that Friday is Trash day.   Yea, I don’t have enough to do!   I realize that.

1.  TALENT!  and unique talent at that.   Not only do you have to be quickly creative, you have to have the sewing/construction skills to create the concepts.    Time limits, materials cost constraints – wow!  

I can’t wait!