
So, What Do You Do?

March 27, 2008

I do love it when I log onto my blog and see comments from such wonderful bloggers on lots of different posts!     You make my day.  Thank you.      [ToDo #1:   Consider this IDEA:   “Do I respond to all individually or in one big post?” and then JUMP to it!]

Then I saw that one of my comments had a request so I JUMPED on that already.    If you ever have commentors whose ID won’t link back to their blog, just tell them to read this:  My POST on IN SERVICE:  the WordPress Comment Linking Issue.

After that, I saw that I had 21 trapped spam in my Akismet folder.    Most were for drugs and naughty things like “Do you want to cheat on your wife?”   But I don’t have a wife so I deleted that.     But one of them was a website that STOLE MY WORDS!!!!!!      RRrrrrrrr.


I have my copyright copyrt.gif banner in the upper right of this page…   But what does that DO, really?    Here’s an IDEA, “C”…   Go to copyscape and jump on some RESEARCH…   [ToDo #2:   Visit copyscape and see what they have to say.]

OK, now that I’ve got some IDEA of what today’s To Dos to Do, I best JUMP on ’em.

Happy Thursday! kite32.jpg


  1. I have the same thing I have to deal with on my blogs. Thank God for Akismet. Otherwise, we’d have to deal with all kinds of garbage!

  2. I think the fix for this (if you can even fix it) is more of a headache than the stealing. It happens all the time, C. I’ve decided not to even worry about it.

  3. That happens to me all the time. I just ignore it. There’s nothing you can do.

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